
Community & Business

17 December, 2022

Party safe, say police

WITH Christmas fast approaching, many locals are organising end-of year-parties or Christmas celebrations with friends and family but police are warning that some gatherings can end up causing problems.

Party safe, say police - feature photo

Police have recently been called to a number of parties around Cairns that have quickly escalated and become out-of-control events after they were advertised on social media platforms.

Police are reminding party hosts of their responsibilities for ensuring guests are “Party Safe’, and have a party they will remember for all the right reasons.

Some things to think about:

  • Make your party is invitation only; don’t advertise your party on social media.

  • Make the start and finish times clear on the invitation and arrange suitable transport for guests where possible.

  • You can request free “party safe” wristbands when registering your party with police to assist with the easy identification of invited guests.

  • Ensure that your party is held at a suitable venue; consider guest numbers and the type of security and supervision that may be required.

  • Notify your neighbours and provide them with your mobile number.

  • Ensure that food and water is readily available.

Police remind party organisers that they can be held accountable if the party is deemed to be out of control and face a maximum penalty of 12 months jail or a fine of $14,300.


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