
Community & Business

23 September, 2022

Pools need staff to stay afloat

POOLS across the Mareeba Shire are experiencing a crippling staff shortage that could affect their ability to open and provide locals a release from the hot Australian summer.

Mareeba pool manager Lynette Koina has been running the Mareeba Pool on a skeleton crew with new members sorely needed for the Mareeba, Dimbulah and Kuranda Pools
Mareeba pool manager Lynette Koina has been running the Mareeba Pool on a skeleton crew with new members sorely needed for the Mareeba, Dimbulah and Kuranda Pools

Keelwater Pty Ltd secured the leases for the Mareeba, Dimbulah and Kuranda pools last year in August from long-time lessee June Cotter and begun operating last September.

Staff have been actively sought to fill positions at each pool with little to no luck, the Mareeba pool nearly had to close due to a lack of staff.

A recent recruitment drive secured more staff and managed to keep the pool open, however more are needed for Mareeba as well as for both the Kuranda and Dimbulah pools.

Keelwater Director Jason Salecich said without the necessary staff to help run day-to-day operations, the pools will be forced to restrict their operating hours.

“We are probably two staff short in every space and then you’ve got Mareeba which will have a splash park which we would like to think will significantly increase trade which means more demand,” he said.

“We are even providing the training free of charge and everything but they have to be willing to do that training.

“We are even looking for people just to operate the kiosk because they don’t have to be fully certified, that would allow us to use lifeguards for what they should be doing, supervising the pool instead of doing both.”

Mr Salecich is imploring people to put their hand up to work at any of the pools.

“Pools are a great place to work, early mornings and in the evenings,” he said.

“The work is not labour intensive, there is a customer focus and all of the training will be provided so you will get trained and get that qualification.

“There is a level of responsibility that comes with the job and that is keeping all of our community users safe.”

To apply for a job at the Mareeba, Kuranda or Dimbulah pools, call 4092 1691.


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