
Community & Business

6 December, 2022

Prior’s Creek precinct moves forward

ATHERTON is on track to get its own very own version of the Cairns Esplanade, with Tablelands Regional Council recently awarding the tender for the design of the Prior’s Creek Precinct development.

Prior’s Creek precinct moves forward - feature photo

Nearly half a million dollars has been awarded to Townsville-based company, Place Design Group, to design the “catalyst for a re-imagined Atherton CBD”, according to Mayor Rod Marti.

The Prior’s Creek Precinct runs alongside the Atherton CBD and already contains sections of the rail trail, the trail head for the Atherton Forest Mountain Bike Park and outdoor exercise equipment.

Place Design Group was chosen to do the design for the precinct for $496,644, beating out two applicants who lodged higher tenders, and one cheaper one at $235,530.

Mayor Marti said the Priors Creek Precinct development would do wonders for Atherton and massively complement the growing town and its CBD.

“Atherton is growing at an alarming rate however our public spaces are not keeping pace,” he said.

“The expansion of local businesses, regional infrastructure investments and the Atherton Hospital are major economic drivers pumping the town.

“In Priors Creek, we will match that change through spaces that draw people in, that fully realise the amazing asset that’s right beside our CBD – it’s like Cairns and the Esplanade.”

The new space will include an amphitheatre, trail head for mountain biking, market plaza, a significant play park, picnic/BBQ tables and public art.

Cr Marti is seeking to attract investors to the town and hopes the new precinct will help entice people to invest in Atherton.

“The value-add that we create on these public spaces will act as levers for investors on the freehold land,” he said.

“We would seek to attract investors in, but not excluded to, upmarket accommodation (hotel and apartment), retail and other outlets.

“It is an ambitious project that must be done if we are to keep up with our community expectations and a growing population.

“This council will work towards securing funding from both State and Federal Governments and this would be in addition to council’s own financial commitments - it is very exciting and overdue.”

With the design of the precinct now underway, council is hoping to provide a draft design to the community in early 2023.


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