
Community & Business

15 October, 2023

Register for pre-cyclone clean up

AS part of the annual pre-cyclone clean up, residents who receive an age or disability pension, and are in a kerbside collection area, can register with Tablelands Regional Council (TRC) for a free waste collection service.

Register for pre-cyclone clean up - feature photo

“Now is the time to prepare your yard for cyclone season by cutting back trees, shrubs and bushes,” said Local Disaster Management Group Chair Councillor Bernie Wilce.

“We will assist eligible age and disability pensioners by removing waste that is hazardous during storms and cyclones – this includes green waste, iron and general yard debris,” Cr Wilce said.

White goods, furniture, household rubbish, car bodies and tyres can be dropped off at TRC transfer stations (fees may apply). 

Eligible residents can register for the collection at or 1300 362 242 before 5pm Friday 27 October. 


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