
Community & Business

7 September, 2022

Roads cut from reseal program to meet budget

A $1.4m annual reseal program for Tablelands Regional Council has been awarded to RPQ Bitumen but it will not include Ball and Channel Roads due to the budget being in-sufficient to cover the costs of repairs required on those two roads.

Roads cut from reseal program to meet budget - feature photo

In a report to council, officers said a review of the total project cost of the reseal program against the approved budg-et had revealed it was insufficient to repair Ball and Channel Roads.

The review had included costs for re-seal preparation, staff costs, program management costs and an acceptable allowance for contingency to cater for increases in bitumen prices and changes in seal design.

“This review demonstrated that the approved budget is insufficient to afford the full reseal program as tendered and RPQ were requested to provide an amended price based on a reduced program, removing Ball and Channel Roads,” the report stated.

“Due to the significant defects on these roads and the sub-sequent significant cost for re-seal preparation works, it is proposed to deliver these roads as part of council’s 22/23 re-habilitation program rather than the re-seal program.”

RPQ Bitumen, which has completed the bitumen reseal program for the past two years, was awarded the contract for the 2022-23 program for $1.418 million, with the works expected to be undertaken during October.

Roads to be resealed under the program include sections of Kaban Road, Glen Allyn Road, McKeown Road, Petersen Road, Topaz Road, Turner Road, Winfield Road, Wrights Creek Road, Carrington Road, Danbulla Road, Gadaloff Road, Clarkes Track, Sluice Creek Road, and Wooroora Road.


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