Community & Business
17 April, 2024
Saints ready to hit the road
YOUNG, fit and ready to take on 140km with a wheelbarrow, the St Stephen’s Catholic College Saints are back again for the 21st Great Wheelbarrow Race in May.

Nominating for the competitive School category, the team of 10 are training hard for the annual event while raising money for the Mareeba Hospital Foundation.
Team member Henry Brammer said they were feeling confident ahead of the race, with a few fresh faces joining their team this year.
“The majority of the team competed last year and we were glad to take on new team members to maintain the sense of fun and teamwork experienced last year,” he said.
“I hope that this can be continued by others long after our racing days are over.
“(The race) really brings the community together. Everyone in the area knows about the Great Wheelbarrow Race and you can definitely feel the support that is put behind it.
“It has become an event that is totally unique and is a wonderful opportunity to have some fun and support charitable foundations.”
To prepare for the event, the Saints have been attending the school’s running club every Monday afternoon while also training independently.
In the new school term, the team hopes to do more fundraising activities to raise funds for the Mareeba Hospital Foundation.
Nominations are still open for the Great Wheelbarrow Race, which will kick off from 10-12 May.