
Community & Business

8 September, 2022

Save lives, keep pools safe

POOL owners are being urged to check pool fences and gates by the Royal Life Saving Society Australia in a bid to eliminate the needless deaths of children who drown every year in backyard swimming pools.

Save lives, keep pools safe
Save lives, keep pools safe

Society chief executive officer Justin Scarr said children under five were “curious and fearless”, and their love of water puts them at risk of drowning.

“Tragically, every year in Australia we lose on average 22 young children to drowning, more than half of those drowning in backyard swimming pools. The majority are aged just one year old,” he said.

“We know that seven times the number of children who die go to hospital after a non-fatal drowning incident. That is more than 150 children aged under five each year, some of whom will be left with life-limiting disabilities.

“While active supervision is the best protection against child-hood drowning, no parent or caregiver can watch a young child 24 hours a day.”

Ensure that you have a functioning and compliant pool fence and working gate as an additional barrier between young children and water. Pool owners can download a free home pool safety check-list by going to 


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