
Community & Business

24 March, 2023

Shock over road damage

CREWS are working hard to inspect and repair roads throughout the Mareeba Shire, with one officer telling council he had seen more damage to the area’s roads this wet season than in the past decade.

Shock over road damage - feature photo

At last week’s meeting, councillors were told that so far this year, crews had used approximately 121 tonnes of blade mix and 2,500 litres of cationic bituminous emulsion to patch pot-holes that were occurring due to the persistent wet weather.

“Ongoing rain is hampering temporary and immediate repair efforts and in numerous cases repair works have had to be redone, particularly in the Almaden, Watsonville and Irvinebank areas,” a report stated.

“To date, more than 155 roads across the shire have been inspected and photographed and crews are working hard to undertake emergency repairs where required.”


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