
Community & Business

6 July, 2022

Short films workshops to highlight local stories

ASPIRING filmmakers are being encouraged to tell their story of living on the Tablelands with the new Herberton Pocket Film Festival and workshops by an internationally acclaimed filmmaker.

Short films workshops to highlight local stories - feature photo

The short films must be filmed on a phone and be around three to seven minutes in length with the best of the films to be shown in a festival in Herberton, coinciding with the annual Jacaranda Festival in October. 

To help the film makers develop their skills, internationally acclaimed filmmaker Catherine Jarvis will be running workshops to help participants polish their filming and editing skills for the festival. 

There will be two workshops in July available for people to register for with a $10 cash contribution required on the day. 

Herberton Pocket Film Festival project team member Dr Jane Harte is excited to have Ms Jarvis on board and sharing her wealth of film and acting experience. 

“It is amazing, she is normally based in Berlin and has done a lot of work and acting as well,” she said. 

“What she will be doing is teaching people how to make a film using only their smartphones. 

“Her long experience in the film industry is what people will benefit from, this is all about engaging with the community and telling stories about the community.” 

Ms Jarvis is a filmmaker and screenwriter with an extensive background in theatre, music and fine arts. 

She has spent the past 15 years based in Berlin and Vienna making award winning short films, conducting masterclasses for actors and young filmmakers in screen language craft and developing two feature films.

Filmmakers can enter drama, documentary, music video, animation or a mashup video for the festival, the completed films must be submitted by September 9. 

For more information and to register for the workshops on 16-17, 23- 24 July head to


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