Community & Business
3 August, 2022
Soil health workshop
INTERNATIONALLY recognised soil and groundcover ecologist Dr Christine Jones is coming to Mareeba to assist farmers with improving soil health without using inorganic fertilisers.

Gulf Savannah NRM is bringing Dr Jones to the region for a “Growing Profits by Building Soil” workshop in Mareeba on Friday 12 August.
The skyrocketing price of urea was a factor in bringing the workshop to the region, says Gulf Savannah NRM’s Sarah Stevens.
“This is pushing some growers to ask: ‘Is there a better a way?’” she said.
“In these workshops, Christine will explain the impact of inorganic nitrogen, and phosphorous on the soil microbiome and provide practical actions that commercial producers can take to transition away from a heavy reliance on inorganic fertilisers, to improve productivity and profitability outcomes.”
Terrain NRM’s Sally Fields said the focus of the Tully workshop was on restoring carbon, organic nitrogen and biodiversity to agricultural soils, and farmers were welcome from across the industries.
“Christine has a way of bringing soil science to the table in ‘farm speak’,’’ Sally said.
“These workshops will be relevant to anyone who manages land. There will be plenty of opportunities for questions and both days include a farm visit and several local farmers sharing their insights into practices that support soil health and have built up their farms’ resilience.”
Dr Jones has a wealth of experience working with landholders on regenerative land management practices to improve everything from biodiversity and biological activity to carbon sequestering, soil nutrient cycles and water balance.
She leads workshops and field days throughout Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and Northern and Central America, and has a Community Fellowship Award from Land and Water Australia for her track record working with communities on land, water and vegetation management.
Tickets are $25 for the workshop. To register visit and find the events via the Search field.