
Community & Business

6 February, 2023

Street names tribute Nobel Prize

IN a tribute to Australians who have won Nobel Prizes, streets in the new Green Hills Estate will be named after them.

Florey Court, Malanda, will recognise the efforts of Howard Florey who was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1945 for the discovery of penicillin
Florey Court, Malanda, will recognise the efforts of Howard Florey who was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1945 for the discovery of penicillin

Five roads within the estate, located 3km from the Malanda town centre, will be named after the winners following an approval by Tablelands Regional Council even though the names of streets and roads are usually taken from a list of approved names within council’s Road Naming Policy.

Florey Court will recognise the efforts of Howard Florey who was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1945 for the discovery of penicillin, while Burnet Close will honour Sir Frank Burnet who was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1960 for the discovery of acquired immunological tolerance.

Eccles Road will recognise Sir John Eccles which was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1963 for discoveries concerning the ionic mechanisms involved in excitation and inhibition in the peripheral and central portions of the nerve cell membrane, while Bragg Close acknowledges Sir William Lawrence Bragg who was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1915 alongside his father, Sir William Henry Bragg, for their services in the analysis of crystal structure by means of x-ray.

The fifth street will be named Corn-forth Court after Sir John Warcup Cornforth, who was awarded a Nobel Prize in 1975 for his work regarding the stereo-chemistry of enzyme-catalysed reactions.

A report to council suggested the names were appropriate given they were not currently in use on the Tablelands; the names were of historical significance to Australia because they recognised people who had achieved great heights in science; and the names were not grammatically complex or unduly long, allowing for ease of pronunciation, spelling and reading.


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