
Community & Business

22 November, 2022

Students take stand against violence

MAREEBA State High School students took time out of their Friday lunch hour last week to honour domestic violence victims for White Ribbon Day.

(Back from left) School-based youth health nurse Samantha Hales, Raquel France, Junior Head of Department Brad Weaver, (front from left) Bella Ford, Leksi Mukadi and Douglas Holden taking part in White Ribbon Day at MSHS.
(Back from left) School-based youth health nurse Samantha Hales, Raquel France, Junior Head of Department Brad Weaver, (front from left) Bella Ford, Leksi Mukadi and Douglas Holden taking part in White Ribbon Day at MSHS.

White Ribbon Day brings awareness to gendered violence and aims to put an end to the ongoing epidemic.

School based youth health nurse Samantha Hales said the school’s main goal is prevention and speaking up on the topic.

“It’s great that we can work with our school community and the young people in our school to make them aware of the ways we can prevent and put a stop to violence,” she said.

“It’s wonderful to have local services here to let out young people know there is support if they need it.”

Students took pledges to never commit, accept or stay silent about assault, spoke with a variety of services across the community who can support assault victims and spoke on topics such as consent and respect


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