
Community & Business

10 July, 2022

Sugar crush update

MORE than 52,000 tonnes of sugar have already been crushed at the Tablelands Mill, with a 13.01 CCS (sugar content of the cane).

2022 Sugar crush update
2022 Sugar crush update

The season kicked off on 14 June, with around 560,000 tonnes of cane to be crushed. 

To date, the mill has crushed 52,820 tonnes, or 9.4 per cent of the total crop. 

Mulgrave Mill has also been going hard since it commenced crushing on 14 June, with 113,548 tonnes already processed, delivering a CCS of 10.90. 

The mill expects to crush a total of 1.23 million tonnes this season. 

South Johnstone Mill has crushed 96,867 tonnes to date, with a CCS of 10.64. 

The mill will crush an estimated 1.48 million tonnes this season.


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