

5 September, 2022

Tableland netball set for expansion

ATHERTON will soon be able to host massive weekend-long netball carnivals with a newly proposed facility at Atherton State High School set to provide Tablelands Netball Association with new courts and amenities.

Save & Continue Save Main Social Media Sidebar Slug * tableland-netball-set-for-expansion Date 2022/9/05 13 : 00 Feature Photo Tableland netball set for expansion
Save & Continue Save Main Social Media Sidebar Slug * tableland-netball-set-for-expansion Date 2022/9/05 13 : 00 Feature Photo Tableland netball set for expansion

The new facility will be comprised of four netball courts under lights, two of which will be undercover with plans for a clubhouse, toilets and canteen to be built.

The new facility is currently being assessed by Tablelands Regional Council and school principal Helen Carne is excited to see what new opportunities the facility will bring.

If approved, the facility will be built on the vacant field at the corner of First Avenue and Maunds Road, in the south of the school.

“Atherton High is extremely excited about this new facility and how it can benefit the whole community,” Ms Carne said.

“This means huge netball carnivals can be held, they can access the school hall as well – it is being built close to hall so weekend carnivals can happen.

“It will be a great facility that the school can use during school hours and then after use for the netball club.”

Currently the Tableland Netball Association uses the community hall

at the school as their grounds but due to the restricted space, they have been forced to turn away potential players for years.

The new facility will enable the club to undergo a massive expansion and centralise the different netball divisions that play in Atherton.

“Because where we are now is a two court facility, we have to cap our member numbers and we are turning people away,” association president Zoe Binnie said.

“I’ve been president five years and we are turning about 100 people a year away because we cannot accommodate anymore than we do – we are in desperate need of a bigger facility.

“This new facility will give the association the opportunity to expand, to make some money and offer more programs.”


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