

4 July, 2022

Touch to kick off

TOUCH football is set to restart in Mareeba with the Mareeba Touch Association signalling the start of their 2022 season and are calling for nominations.

Touch to kick off - feature photo

Kicking off next Monday 11 July, the season will run until the end of the year finishing on 5 December. 

It is a mixed comp playing six a side, with three women and three men on each team, players must be a minimum of 10 years old or older to play.

The competition utilises four fields at Davies Park to play the games, they run from 6pm to 8pm every Monday night until the end of the season – in past seasons the competition has sported 16 teams over a season. 

Long-time organiser Natalie Nicol “does a bit of everything” when it comes to running the season and this year is encouraging people to come along for a bit of social fun. 

“It is a great sport to get into and it is reasonably cheap, one of the cheapest sports,” she said. 

“We don’t take everything seriously, the focus is on the fun and social side.

“We are very excited to be kicking off this year’s season – it is great for fun and fitness and I hope to see a lot more people signing up.” 

Currently there are only four teams registered to play this year’s season and Nicol is putting the call out to anyone interested in playing to register now. 

Each team must have the same colour shirt and a number displayed on the back and coloured bibs are available with notice. 

They must also consist of 10-12 player to register and registration for each player must be paid within the first four weeks of the season.

If you do not have a team and would like to play this season, please send the Mareeba Touch Association a message on their Facebook page and they will put your name down.


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