
Community & Business

27 January, 2023

Uncle Ray helps brake the cycle

A MAN who has committed the last two years of his life to helping young people get their driver’s licences has been recognised.

Raymond Turner spends most of his time helping young people get their licences through the PCYC Braking the Cycle program
Raymond Turner spends most of his time helping young people get their licences through the PCYC Braking the Cycle program

Raymond Turner, more affectionally known as Uncle Ray, was invited to Brisbane for Braking the Cycle’s 10th anniversary where he received an award for his volunteer work in the program.

“When I first heard, I was invited to attend – I was nervous and then I was really excited,” he said.

“It was a really good experience meeting politicians and having a chat with them about the program and our Mareeba community.”

Through the PCYC Braking the Cycle program, Ray mentors young learner drivers who don’t have the opportunity to get behind the wheel.

PCYC not only provides the mentors but also the vehicles with leaners able to experience driving in both a manual and an automatic car.

“Two years ago, I was asked by Sgt Mary-Anne if I would be interested in becoming a mentor,” Ray said.

“When I found out more about the program, I thought it’s such a wonderful opportunity for our Mareeba youth to get their driving hours up and said ‘absolutely’.

“So many young people don’t have access to cars or mentors and the club has two cars, an auto and a manual. It’s a brilliant program supporting young people to achieve independence.”

Ray said by using the program, young learner drivers gain confidence on the road – something he enjoys seeing.

“I have more patience with teenage drivers and enjoy interacting with young people,” he said.

“To see their driving skills improve is really great, because when they start, they are nervous and by the time they’ve achieved their 100 hours, they are more confident and excited about gaining their Ps.

“PCYC has excellent training for mentors and when a new mentor comes on board, I have a chat with them and we get to catch up now and then as a group for a cuppa.”


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