Community & Business
24 January, 2025
Unique dog training facility proposed for Mareeba
A UNIQUE proposal for a facility focussed on training assistance dogs as well as proving overnight dog boarding and doggy day care services has been lodged with Mareeba Shire Council.

The development application by Ms Taylor Skinner of Alpha Lykos K9 would be established in Effley Street in the Mareeba Industrial Estate and would provide specialised training for reactive and aggressive dogs, specialised training for assistance dogs, and sale of dog food and other products.
According to the development application lodged with the council, the facility will also provide a service for interstate customers who could travel to Mareeba and participate in specialised assistance dog training and boarding.
“The facility will allow people to come to the premises and train their dog with one-on-one sessions with experienced trainers as well as other group training sessions involving multiple dogs,” the application stated.
“A significant component of the training to be undertaken on site is the training of dogs to assist people with a wide range of disabilities.
“These dogs are known as Assistance Dogs and provide independence, self-esteem, improved health and relationships to individuals and families – resulting in stronger and more successful communities.
“This is a one-of-a-kind facility supporting clients with disabilities, across a span of disabilities, ages, races and communities across Australia, to bring their assistance dog to the facility for expert training.”
According to the planning document, the applicant advised they currently had 21 assistance dog clients enrolled across Australia and expected a further 15 to 20 additional clients each year who would seek to use the service.
“The trainers also specialise in working with aggressive dogs and nervous dogs and will work on problem behaviours, reducing issues of aggressive and reactive dogs in the community,” the application states.
“The trainer currently engages in free training for the Mareeba Animal Refuge. This facility will give the Mareeba Animal Refuge a place to bring the aggressive dogs to work on their issues and to enhance their opportunity to be adopted.
“There will be an option for dogs from the animal refuge, during slow periods, to come and stay at the facility and be a part of the daycare to work on their socialising with other animals.”
The proposal also includes the establishment of a commercial kitchen within the development which would be used to prepare and provide dog food for purchase by the customers either in person or online.
The business would also offer a dog day care service for a maximum of 20 dogs, using a large central area of the building which will also be air conditioned.
Fifteen separate dog kennels, also air conditioned, would also be built to allow for overnight boarding of animals.
The proposal is currently being assessed by the council.