

27 October, 2023

Up and coming country music star releases EP

LOCAL country star Jeremy Fletcher will be releasing his first EP titled Til The Sunrise, showcasing his love for country living.

Up and coming country music star releases EP - feature photo

The EP features five tracks, with an overall “feel-good vibe” which Fletcher hopes will appeal to anyone who loves old-fashioned country. 

“I think the EP has an overall feel-good theme to it with a few upbeat songs to make you want to dance and a couple of slower, more powerful songs,” he said. 

This isn’t Fletcher’s first time in the studio, releasing several singles over the past two years but recording an EP was a whole different ball game in his opinion. 

Travelling to Newcastle to record alongside his producer Liam Kennedy-Clark, he was keen to give his fanbase what they wanted.

“I really wanted to show the people of this community and my fans a handful of songs that Im proud of and give them a bigger variety of songs to listen to,” he said.

“I’m very excited the release date is almost here, and I hope everyone enjoys it.”

Being in his 20s, Fletcher’s dream to make it big in the country music charts is finally being realised, and he encourages anyone who is interested in making music to never give up.

“My advice to other young artist starting out would be to never give up and treat every gig as an opportunity to improve and learn even the smaller gigs,” he said.

“Never stop writing and creating original music.”

Til The Sunrise will be released on all streaming platforms this Saturday.


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