
General News

24 January, 2024

$200,000 artwork for creek precinct

A $200,000 artwork will be one of seven that are planned for the Priors Creek recreational precinct.

$200,000 artwork for creek precinct - feature photo

Tablelands Regional Council has endorsed a piece that will take the form of a large tree kangaroo to be located at the end of Vernon Street in the public plaza area.

The artwork will be done by Studio John Fish, a creative team with more than 20 years’ experience creating works that captures people’s imaginations. 

In making the decision for the Priors Creek artwork, council called for expressions of interest and received 31 submissions.

Three shortlisted artists were recommended by an assessment panel and invited to proceed to detailed concept development.

At a workshop in November, detailed concepts and models were presented to council and the assessment panel by the three artists, with all three said to be “of a very high standard with different artistic styles and interpretations of the theme which is “celebration of our unique flora, fauna and natural environment and authentic story telling of the cultural heritage of the Tablelands region”.

But the one that was recommended by the panel, “Forest Friends” at a cost $181,000, was rejected by councillors who, instead, voted for the tree kangaroo artwork.


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