Community & Business
27 March, 2022
Vandalism costs soar
ANOTHER 16 incidences of vandalism and graffiti were tackled by Mareeba Shire Council last month, with eight occurring at the QCWA toilets in Byrnes Street, bringing it to 26 times in the past four months that the amenity block has been targeted.
The toilet block is set to be decommissioned by the council and two new toilet blocks created at a different location in the CBD.
The cost so far this financial year for council to repair and fix facilities that have been targeted by vandals and graffiti artists has surpassed $30,000.
Facilities hit in February include, the Mareeba PCYC, Mareeba Arnold Park toilets, Shire’s Rankin Street office, Chillagoe tennis courts, Firth Park, Mareeba and and Kuranda Visitors Information Centre.