
Community & Business

11 June, 2023

Vape tests prompt warning to ‘think again’

LOCALS are being warned that vaping is not as safe as they may think, with the State Government releasing the results of tests on popular vapes.

Vape tests prompt warning to ‘think again’ - feature photo

The tests revealed staggering amounts of nicotine plus chemicals including arsenic and formaldehyde.

Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk asked Parliament’s Health and Environment Committee to perform the tests amid concerns consumers were unaware what the vapes contain.

The chemical composition of 17 e-liquid samples currently available were analysed as part of the tests which were performed for the presence of nicotine plus other substances including carbonyl compounds, volatile organic compounds, pesticides, fungicides and herbicides and heavy metals.

The key findings include that all samples tested positive for nicotine, as well as at least two carbonyl compounds - formaldehyde and acetaldehyde.

 Formaldehyde is classified as a group 1 human carcinogen. All samples also contained Volatile Organic Compounds which are typically used in the manufacture of paints, pharmaceuticals and refrigerants.

Premier Palaszczuk said the results should make people stop and think before using vapes.

“There are people who might think vaping is safer than smoking or, indeed, harmless,” she said.

“These test results should make those people think again.”


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