
Community & Business

31 March, 2023

Virtual milking made reality

A NEW virtual reality game developed by Giovanni and Frankie Gallo will allow people to get hands on experience milking the cows – with the challenges of kicking, mooing and pooing included.

By Ellie Fink

The Gallo brothers have worked hard to create a new VR video game that replicates milking a cow.
The Gallo brothers have worked hard to create a new VR video game that replicates milking a cow.

The game developed by the Gallo brothers was officially launched on Friday at Gallo’s Dairyland, with Member for Hill Shane Knuth and Member for Kennedy Bob Katter getting the first experience and both commenting on how it felt like the “real deal”.

During the game, participants are required to hook cows up to milking machines which are identical to the ones on Gallo’s dairy farm.

Frankie explained that throughout the game, it progressively gets faster and the cows will often stomp, poo and kick like they do in real life.

Giovanni Gallo teaching MP Bob Katter how to milk the VR cow
Giovanni Gallo teaching MP Bob Katter how to milk the VR cow

The more cows milked, the higher the score. The more times you’re kicked or pooed on, the lower the score.

“We thought with the virtual reality technology that is out there today it would be a good way to give customers here a whole new experience and really get on hands on but in a more fun and exciting way,” he said.

“You have got to dodge cow shit fall-ing on you, watch out for the kicks and you have to round them up and call them in – pretty much all the real deal without the bad smell.”

In his address at the opening of the game, Giovanni spoke on how the game would offer a new perspective to working with cattle and how whether experienced in the industry or not, it would offer a variety of challenges.

“It is perfect for anyone interested in farming or agriculture who wants to experi-ence something new and exciting,” he said.

“We believe that this game will provide a unique and engaging experience to player of all age and help create a brighter future for the industry.”

Anyone of the age of 13 is invited to come and give the new VR experience at Gallo’s Dairyland a try, which is open on weekends and throughout the school holidays. 


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