Community & Business
30 September, 2023
Volunteers needed to welcome visitors
WITH the record number of visitors currently visiting Kuranda Village the Information Centre is urgently seeking volunteers.

Volunteers will join the team of passionate locals ready and eager to give advice to visitors about Kuranda and the surrounding region.
Some of the benefits of volunteering include making new friends, learning new skills, gaining work experience and helping others.
Desirable skills for volunteers at the Kuranda Village Information Centre include outgoing, friendly personality, retail and sales experience, ability to communicate with different cultures and good knowledge of the region including local products and operators.
Mareeba Shire Mayor Angela Toppin said Council acknowledges and values the significant contribution that volunteers make to the Mareeba Shire community, such as to the Kuranda Village Information Centre.
“People volunteer for a range of different reasons and volunteers enhance the quality of life and community spirit in their regions.
“Volunteers provide vital support to many areas, from sporting clubs, community organisations, community events and Council Advisory Committees, and I thank them for their contribution to our Shire,” Mayor Toppin said.
Visit the Mareeba Shire Council website at for more information on how you can help in Kuranda.