
Community & Business

19 May, 2023

Wine, spirit bottles worth cash

GLASS wine and spirit bottles will be eligible for a 10-cent refund under Queensland’s Containers for Change program from 1 November.

Wine, spirit bottles worth cash - feature photo

In an Australian-first, the State Government will expand its popular program to include glass wine and spirit bottles.

The commitment to expand the scheme follows an extensive consultation period which revealed that 98 per cent of participants were in favour of more containers being made eligible for refunds through the program.

Since its launch in 2018, more than 6.4 billion containers have been recovered through its 360 collection points.

Before the program started, only 18 per cent of beverage containers were being recovered and recycled in Queensland, according to Environment Minister Meaghan Scanlon.

“Since then that number has grown threefold, with Queenslanders having returned more than six billion containers and receiving $630 million in return. Stacked end to end, the recovered containers would run the length of Queensland about 300 times," she said.


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