
Community & Business

21 September, 2023

Wizard works magic

A SORCERER has been spotted walking across the Tablelands, turning people’s heads and bringing a smile to their faces.

Wizard works magic - feature photo

Shanrickael the Sorcerer calls himself a real wizard, possessing the ability to telepathically speak to people with his mind and having a deep connection with the earth. 

Over the past few months, many locals have spotted him walking on the side of the road, hitch hiking to different places across the Tablelands and Cairns, spreading positivity.

Though some find his abilities “silly”, his life mission is to help put a smile on people’s faces and bring some magic into the world. 

“I started my adventures when I had a calling for somewhere to go,” he said.

“My intention at the very beginning was to meet all the positive, wonderful people of North Queensland, and I put that intention out in the universe.

“I am not disappointed; I have met so many incredible people and had some wonderful conversations with people who pick me up when hitchhiking.”


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