Community & Business
3 July, 2022
Works heat up for splash parks
RESIDENTS in Mossman and Port Douglas can look forward to enjoying hot summer days in cool splash parks, with tenders now released for the project and community consultation beginning.

The Port Douglas community has identified either Jalunbu Park or Reynolds Park as locations for the splash park with their input shaping its customised design.
There is also a chance for council to install a public swimming pool alongside the splash park depending on the community’s support and factoring in operational costs and impacts on general rates.
Tenders for the engagement and subsequent design close on 17 June.
Design and construction tenders for the Mossman splash park, due to be installed at the Mossman Pool and Caravan Park, have also been released.
The new splash park will complement the recent upgrades completed by council to the 50-metre swimming pool, caravan park grounds, accommodation, park facilities and amenities.
The aim is to have the design signed off by the end of August with construction commencing in September and completion by late December.