
Community & Business

9 November, 2023

Worthy people wanted for awards

RESIDENTS of Mareeba Shire are being urged to look around them and consider who they might nominate for the annual Australia Day Awards.

Worthy people wanted for awards - feature photo

The awards, which are announced at a ceremony to coincide with Australia Day next year, are aimed at recognising and celebrating those people who put an extra effort into making their community a better place to live.

Whether it be in the sporting or cultural sectors or for community service, the council wants to hear about worthy members of the community who should be thanked and recognised for their efforts.

All nominees must be residents of the Mareeba Shire Council local government area and their achievements must be in a volunteer capacity, not a part of their employment.

Nominations will be judged by a panel which includes Mayor Angela Toppin and two independent citizens from the community.

The panel may also consider presenting highly commended awards in any category.

Those who wish to put forward a nomination are advised that they must include sufficient information for the panel to be able to make an informed decision. Every nomination must be supported by two referees.

Nominations must be received by 3pm on 7 December. Completed entries must be emailed to or posted to PO Box 154, Mareeba QLD 4880. Go to for more information.


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