
Community & Business

24 December, 2022

Young computer whiz scores high

AT only 13 years of age, Solomon Anders has smashed a Harvard University course with 100 per cent on every assignment submitted.

Solomon Anders is only 13 years old and going above and beyond in Harvard University courses.
Solomon Anders is only 13 years old and going above and beyond in Harvard University courses.

The computer whiz participated in the CS50: Introduction to Computer Science course, which taught him concepts such as abstraction, algorithms, data structures, encapsulation, resource management, security, software engineering, and web development.

The average age for a person undertaking the course is 26 years old and many have described it as “challenging but very worthwhile”.

Solomon has always been interested in digital technology, learning the functions of a computer as young as five years old and his interest motivating him to participate in the 11-week-long course.

Being required to do 10 – 20 hours of study per week and attend the universities lectures via video conferences, the course tested Solomon, but he said it was rewarding to receive the certificate at the end.

“I guess the best thing was that I already knew lots of bits and pieces about the different coding languages and programming skills, but the course forced me to go over everything again and bring everything together,” he said.

“I feel like I have better overall strength in coding and programming.

“The worst thing was that coding requires a lot of attention to detail and even the slightest error with just a letter or a punctuation mark can break the whole code.

“So, it’s really tough if you are in the middle of something and you have to stop to do something else and I prefer to just keep going right through to the end. My mum said this is what probably makes me good at all the different tech skills, but it’s also what makes it hard to keep a life balance.

“The lectures are also really long, and even though the lecturer is a good speaker, it’s still really tiring to listen to long lectures every week!”

Now that Solomon has received his certificate, he hopes to continue adding to the collection and partake in more high level computing courses.

He hopes to one day own his own design and cyber security business to help others


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