
Community & Business

7 June, 2022

Young indigenous artists win big

YOUNG and talented students from Ravenshoe State School have done their school and community proud, coming first place in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Aspiration Program Art Challenge.

Young indigenous artists win big - feature photo

Six students of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent in grades 7-12 were chosen to participate in challenges around the arts, including artwork, speech and poetry. 

Students Jacinda Royee Hill, Karien Meeks and Jerome Hooligan worked together to create their art piece, a painting of themselves expressing their culture. 

Principal Helen Carne expressed the schools pride for the students who participated, wishing them the best of luck as they have their art judged by a prestigious panel in Brisbane.

 “Ravenshoe State School is extremely proud to advise that our students are the winners of the Regional ATSIAP challenge for 2022,” she said. 

“Great work to the staff who have supported the team – Tabitha Wilkinson, our Community Education Counsellor and Jaelene Durrand, our Art Teacher.

 “Our students have embraced the challenge and are leaders in our school community! We wish them all the best in Brisbane.” 

Ravenshoe State School also came third place overall for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Aspiration Program Speech and Poetry Challenges.


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