Community & Business
1 December, 2022
Young students think green with Stephanie Alexander
STUDENTS and staff at Mt Molloy State School were treated to a very special visit by one of Australia’s “greatest food educators”, Stephanie Alexander, to celebrate the 10th year of their kitchen garden.

Ms Alexander is renowned for her healthy eating recipes, with majority of ingredients coming straight from the veggie garden that she developed into her program in which the school participates.
This is the third time Ms Alexander has trav-elled north to visit the school and was impressed with their “Stephanie Alexander Garden” and how engaged the students and their teachers were in the kitchen.
“I was struck by the enthusiasm of not only the students but by the teachers and the principal and how beautifully the school arranges itself with the garden – which is just so lovely,” she said.
“I really believe that you’re much more likely to change children’s food habits when they are doing what they enjoy rather than waving your finger at them and telling them ‘Don’t eat that’.
“It is remarkable seeing the program being put in action and how much enthusiasm is involved, especially when the students get to taste some-thing new.”
Principal Zarah-Rae Budgen was “over the moon” when she heard Ms Alexander would be visiting once again and was excited to show her how much her program has benefitted their small school.
“I don’t think I actually appreciated what a big deal it was until (the night before) because it is something that our whole community is celebrat-ing,” she said.
“It is a celebration of how much this program really means to the school and we are so thankful for the volunteers within our community that got involved and helped us get to this stage."