Community & Business
17 May, 2022
Young Taylah steps up to bring deb back
FOR the first time since 2015, young debutantes from around Ravenshoe, Millstream and Mt Garnet will have the opportunity to shine, all thanks to 16-year-old Torimba Debutante Ball coordinator Taylah Dalgety.

Taylah knew from a young age after hearing stories and seeing photos of her grandmother and cousins draped in beautiful white gowns that she too wanted to be the belle of the ball, even if it meant she organised it herself.
That’s when she set off on her mission to bring the debutante ball back to Ravenshoe, learning very quickly that it wouldn’t be easy, but it would be worth it.
“It started when I said, ‘well mum, I have white dress and no deb ball in Ravenshoe’, so I have taken it upon myself because it has always been something I have wanted to do as a little girl, especially after seeing photos of my nana and cousins make debuts in Ravenshoe,” she said. After learning that the Ravenshoe State School would not be hosting the event, she took it upon herself. “I set off with pen and paper and started asking the locals what they thought about me holding it and they all thought it was a fantastic idea,” Taylah said.
So far, a few couples have participated in practice sessions but Taylah is seeking more attendees who would like to join in on the fun. Experienced in the art of “old time dancing”, Dick and Tracey Jensen have given up their time to help the teens learn classic dances to perform on the night.
Taylah has also received the wisdom and experience from the Torimba Committee, helping her as she organises her first event.
“I just knew it as something I had to take on if I wanted it participate in such an event,” she said. “This is my first time organising an event for the community and I have been very lucky to have the backing of Torimba Committee and extending members of the Ravenshoe community volunteering dance lessons, help and support along the way.”
Now that the “show is on the road”, Taylah hopes the reintroduction of the debutante ball in the Ravenshoe region will encourage the tradition to carry on in the future. She says events such as these are very important for a community and help get young people involved in local events and starting friendship that last a lifetime.